Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Let the Wild Rumpus Start!

"It's going to be a place where only the things you want to happen, would happen."
"We can totally build a place like that!"

Friday night, I saw "Where the Wild Things Are" in Imax. Wow, it was truly an experience. The story was perfectly told from the mind of a child, and adapted well from the book. The voices were amazingly cast as well, and each of the wild things were given their own personas and characters. I couldn't help but notice that each of the wild things represented different roles within Max's self. For instance, Carol represented his fear of abandonment, Judith represented his cynical side, Ira represented his talents, Alex represented his feelings of not being heard ("Does anyone ever hear me?!"), and K.W. represented his older sister and probably his Mother as well. Maybe it's my program feeding my ideas, but seeing the movie was almost like seeing a psychodrama that belonged to Max! So many things that happened in the movie reminded me of what we do in class... Too much Drama Therapy for me!! :)

The movie was heart-warming, moving and poignant in its simplicity. The screenplay was delightfully written and made me wonder if they consulted children while they were writing it, or if the writers accessed that level of child-like imagination. It was incredibly imaginative, and if you see the movie with an open mind and heart, you will understand Max's story and be changed by it. It made me feel like a kid again and like anything was possible- and for Max, it all came from within himself. This performance is SO fun and healing! My favorite line was, "HEY GUYS! I DON'T HAVE TO EAT MY FEET!"

I'll eat you up I love you so,
liz xo

1 comment:

Meredith Glidden said...

Can't wait to see it! I'm going to keep the idea of Max's Psychodrama in mind when I see it. Thanks for bringing up this idea

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