Say what you will about the Black Eyed Peas and this song, but there was something so incredible about watching this flash mob perform on Oprah at her season premiere! A flash mob is a group of people that randomly break into a choreographed dance, made popular by some T-mobile ads that have been floating around, where flash mobs form in train stations (definitely google it if you haven't seen one). On Oprah, they set out to create the largest flash mob ever made, and put it right in the middle of Michigan Avenue in Chicago. Every time I watch it, it makes me cry! I think it's because there is something so amazing about watching so many people share this creation together, and there is something beautiful about the humanity in that. Or maybe its the shot of Oprah jumping up and down and screaming. Anyways, this shared experience of the human existence is also what makes me cry at things like the opening number of "9 to 5: the musical" and Folgers commercials... or maybe I'm just a big softie! What do you think- flash mobs: healing or claustrophobic??
Mozel Tov,
liz xo
Unbelievable! I think we should form a dance group and flash mob around the city. :-) I was so inspired by all those people working together and dancing. The dance looked so much fun to do and I wanted to jump in and join them. P.S. I love Oprah too...she makes me happy
Oh my sweet Chicago! I lived there for 6 years and did most of my growing up and changing right there on those streets. (and no, I never did see Oprah! everyone asks me that!)
I love this idea of Joy of Performance. I think sometimes I forget about how making someone happy, excited, feel joy is very healing. To create something that can make a person believe in the good of humanity. To think that all these people, black, white, young, old, poor, rich, came together and did one dance! Oh, yes, it was joyous and healing for me! I LOVE YOU CHICAGO!!!
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